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Wednesday, April 6, 2011


For Thing 1 and Thing 2's birthday we took them to Chuck-E-Cheese.  The only way I can stomach the place is at 9 am on a Saturday morning when the place is empty!  Darling Daughter and Stud Boy came along too and played the many games there.  I took a ton of pictures.  After I uploaded them I was looking at them and noticed Stud Boy sticks his tongue out, or bites his lip, when he is concentrating.  He has always done this, even as a little boy putting together puzzles or playing chess.  So I googled it.  Because, after all, Dr. Google and Professor Google have all the answers.  And the answer is this:

"When you need to concentrate on something, like a crossword puzzle, you are using the hemisphere of the brain also used for processing motor input.  Many biologists believe that by biting your lip or sticking your tongue out, you are suspending motor activity and also keeping your head rigid, to minimize movement, and hence interference.  Large areas of the brain are devoted to control of the tongue and to the receipt of sensation from it. With the tongue held rigid against the teeth or lips, the activity of those areas is subdued, allowing delicate tasks like threading a needle to proceed with less interference."



So in studying these photos of Stud Boy it is very clear he is highly intelligent.  This must be why he was accepted into some very prestigious colleges this fall.  In fact, he could have probably just not bothered writing all of the college essays or filling out all the resumes and applications for school, but instead sent them this picture below:

After all, he's in excellent company:

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