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Friday, April 1, 2011

10 Again!

Thing 1 and Thing 2 were born on Christmas Day.

Let me say that again, the twins were born on Christmas Day!

Yes, that day!  Not the 24th of December, or the 26th of December, but actually smack dab on December 25th.  Whenever I have to tell a doctor's office secretary or school official their birthday, these people tend to coo and sigh with that date, "oh how cute", they say.  "How wonderful to have twins born on Christmas", they exclaim.

What?!  Cute? Wonderful? ummm....NOT!  In fact what a drag!  It sucked the day they were born! Sorry, but it really did!  My two other kids were farmed out to family that year to celebrate the biggest present day ever...oh and the birth of Jesus too, of course. And I missed it entirely - Christmas and the birth of these babies!  I was out cold as the doctors delivered the hamsters boys who were 10 weeks early.  Anyway, the point to this little trip down memory lane is that today is April 1st.  April Fool's Day!  And today is the day we celebrate Thing 1 and Thing 2's birthday!

Hubby and I made the decision not to celebrate the boys birthday on or near Christmas after their first birthday party.  No way were these boys going to get birthday gifts wrapped in Christmas paper or worse, a combined Christmas/Birthday gift or even worse still a shared twin gift that was for Christmas and their Birthday too.  Talk about getting cheated out of presents!   Nope, they deserved a day not too close to any other major holiday to call their very own.  Okay, so not really their very own since they will always have to share it with their twin...but you get the picture.  We were not going to have it in December!  April 1st seemed like a great date.  The beginning of Spring and April Fool's Day!  Perfect for two boys who surprised us from conception to delivery! So we picked that date and ever since they were 2 years old we have celebrated their birthday on April Fool's day.

When they were little we would get them super cute gifts.  Here is a picture of the train table we made them:

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These were the days they were excited about any gift they received.  They would have been thrilled with a refrigerator box!  And, notice Thing 1's hair?!  Talk about "bedhead"!  This was before he cared about how it looked.  Oh those carefree days!  How I miss them!

This year, when they are turning 10 again, the list of what they want for their birthday isn't long, but it's weird.  Really strange.  Allow me to hit the highlights for you:

1. waffle iron
2. medicine ball
3. camelbak hydration pack
4. slippers

For the record, this is not an April Fool's joke.  Thing 1 and Thing 2 truly want these items on the list.

Lucky for you, Wallyworld is open 24 hours!


  1. I will never forget that day! Happy Birthday Hamsters!!

  2. I am such a bad aunt I keep forgetting the real birthday and the alternate birthday!! Thank goodness for Wally world gift cards!!

  3. Ironically Tims hair is combed and Jacks is a mess...hmmm.. not anymore.
