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Thursday, January 6, 2011

World Peace

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Its confession time.  Today I was one of "those idiots drivers"!  You know the ones I am talking about right?  The total doofus' who clearly has no business being on the road.  Yep, that was me!  I'm not proud of it, I'm just admitting that today I was one of those dummies that you see on the road and either shake your head, or gasp and put your hands up to your mouth and think, OMG who gave that dumb a$$ a license? 

At lunch time I was driving from one of my job sites to another.  This is something I do on a weekly basis, in a city I have lived my entire life.  It isn't rocket science.  In fact, some days I think I could do it in my sleep.  My kids will tell you I have done it while applying make-up, or chatting on the phone (hands free of course) or deep in an important conversation with a passenger.  However, today I was just driving.  I wasn't texting, or talking, or even putting on chapstick.  I don't even think I had the radio on. 

The next thing I notice is that all of the other drivers on the road were looking at me funny.  Really funny.  I realized that I must be the idiot driver.  It was then I saw this:

Oh crap!  I'm sure that is what came out of my mouth the instant I saw this enormous sign, that and about 25 cars driving right at me.  Let me tell tell you, when you realize what a doofus  you are, it takes your breath away!  Note to self here:  It is very important that you NOT drive ON to the exit ramp of the expressway during the lunch hour!  I am thankful for two things though; 1) that Stud Boy wasn't with me so he couldn't see first hand that I really do suck at driving sometimes, and 2) that while I may have put my own life in jeopardy and the lives of a few dozen other people on the road, I am, indeed, that much closer to solving all of the problems in the world while clearly preoccupied with my thoughts of family, friends, World Peace, etc.


  1. Safe..... Nice
    Learned from your own mistake..... nice
    No Ticket.......Priceless

  2. You win! Doofus of the day!
