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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Birthdays and Bandwagons

My husband has a birthday coming up next month.  In addition to Home Depot gift cards and cookbooks we could always get Hubby paraphernalia of his favorite NFL team. Gift options could include a coffee mug or a sweatshirt with the team logo.  You see my husband has been a Minnesota Vikings fan for more than 40 years.
That is a long, long time.  
During the late 60's and early 70's, when the team was famous for the "Purple People Eaters", Hubby picked this to be "his team".  With players like, Alan Page, Carl Eller, Jim Marshall, and Gary Larsen, Hubby was watching a superb defensive line make NFL history.  He has been a faithful fan of the Vikings essentially his entire life.

As the mother of 3 boys, I assume all young men pick a team to be a fan of.  And as a mother, I also assume that like all things in life, there are rules surrounding this rite of passage.

Rule #1.  
You may only pick one team. 
(No fair being a Buffalo Bills fan and a New York Jets fan or a Boston Red Sox fan and New York Yankees fan.  I may not know much, but I think this is an absolute!)

Rule #2.
You MUST stick with the one team you pick.
(There is exception to this rule: if you are under 10 years of age then you can change your mind once or twice, three times max. - this means you Stud Boy) 

Rule #3.
You must own at least one item that proves you are a fan.  
(It can be a hat, t-shirt, key chain, Christmas ornament, tattoo, etc.)

Hubby has announced he has a new team!  WTF?!  Excuse me?!  Yep, he has told the entire family he is no longer rooting for the Minnesota Vikings, instead he has officially resigned as the #1 fan and will now be rooting for the Green Bay Packers. 

Anyone in the market for a shiny new Viking helmet?  I need to shop for a cheesehead, I guess. 



  1. Wow - Jumping on the Bandwagon is right!! He really wants to be a cheesehead? There are other "packer" jokes that are PG rated too! oh well...Good Luck Chris! GO STEELERS!

  2. oops I meant they are NOT PG rated. (Unsuitable for print).

  3. Rule #4.
    You may NOT pick a team that is currently in the Super Bowl. Geesh
