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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Shock and Awe

I never planned on allowing my sweet, adorable children to own any kind of weapons.  In fact, with the exception of one itty bitty high powered rifle BB gun that I use for the sole purpose of keeping the man eating, rabid squirrels from attacking my family, we don't own any "real" guns. 

However, Thing One and Thing Two used their Christmas money to buy new Nerf guns. I have to admit Nerf guns have always seemed safe since the orange, foam bullets are fairly harmless and bounce easily off of furniture, dogs and small children.  In fact, I have gotten used to sitting on the couch reading or working on the laptop as the darts zoom past my head.

That being said, the new Nerf guns are pretty scary, like in "you'll shoot your eye out", scary.  We aren't talking one and done shots like when Stud Boy was just a wee lad, but these rapid fire puppies hold a zillion darts!  Gone are the days of  "single fire mode", now it's called "slam fire mode". These bad boys have magazines that hold dozens and dozens of bullets.  Launching an all out assault on your twin just got that much easier with fully automatic blasters with spare clips so you can reload in a hurry!

These spectacular displays of force have converted my living room into a battlefield littered with foam darts. The question is, how do I get the boys to scurry around and pick up the bullets when the war is over?

Maybe if I stop shooting all the squirrels, I could design Nerf darts to look like little acorns and train the rodents to do the job!

 Yes, this is what your Christmas money paid for.
 Bigger is better!
 The arsenal.
The spare arsenal.

And in my defense, the dining room looks like this because if I move off the couch, I would be shot.
Darling Daughter = cool.  'nuff said!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Birthdays and Bandwagons

My husband has a birthday coming up next month.  In addition to Home Depot gift cards and cookbooks we could always get Hubby paraphernalia of his favorite NFL team. Gift options could include a coffee mug or a sweatshirt with the team logo.  You see my husband has been a Minnesota Vikings fan for more than 40 years.
That is a long, long time.  
During the late 60's and early 70's, when the team was famous for the "Purple People Eaters", Hubby picked this to be "his team".  With players like, Alan Page, Carl Eller, Jim Marshall, and Gary Larsen, Hubby was watching a superb defensive line make NFL history.  He has been a faithful fan of the Vikings essentially his entire life.

As the mother of 3 boys, I assume all young men pick a team to be a fan of.  And as a mother, I also assume that like all things in life, there are rules surrounding this rite of passage.

Rule #1.  
You may only pick one team. 
(No fair being a Buffalo Bills fan and a New York Jets fan or a Boston Red Sox fan and New York Yankees fan.  I may not know much, but I think this is an absolute!)

Rule #2.
You MUST stick with the one team you pick.
(There is exception to this rule: if you are under 10 years of age then you can change your mind once or twice, three times max. - this means you Stud Boy) 

Rule #3.
You must own at least one item that proves you are a fan.  
(It can be a hat, t-shirt, key chain, Christmas ornament, tattoo, etc.)

Hubby has announced he has a new team!  WTF?!  Excuse me?!  Yep, he has told the entire family he is no longer rooting for the Minnesota Vikings, instead he has officially resigned as the #1 fan and will now be rooting for the Green Bay Packers. 

Anyone in the market for a shiny new Viking helmet?  I need to shop for a cheesehead, I guess. 


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pre Wrap

Darling Daughter is a Jock!  She plays softball, baseball, volleyball and basketball. However, just because she will get sweaty and can be a tough little cookie on any field or court, doesn't mean fashion is ever neglected.  In fact our girl will spend an hour straightening her hair before practice and if we let her, she would wear eyeliner during a game.  She is also very interested in the style of shoes and the color of the laces of all of the players.

Uniforms are just that, uniform, so showing some flair gets pretty tricky when everyone is wearing the same thing.  However, this year she was introduced to athletic tape.  Athletic tape is all the rage! It's called pre-wrap and it isn't just used for taping injuries anymore.  It comes in all colors and patterns including leopard print and neon.  The girls use it to keep their hair out of their faces and of course to add a bit of style to their uniform.  Coach said they could only use white.  Ha!  That lasted one game and the hot pink and leopard prints came back out of the athletic bags.

Notice almost all of the girls are wearing pre-wrap in their hair!  Darling Daughter (number 1) takes a little time to tuck in the uniform!  Because folks, it's not just how you play the game, it's how you look when you are playing the game. Duh!
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011


My "newest" New Year's ReVolution:

The Holstee Manifesto –

Thursday, January 6, 2011

World Peace

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Its confession time.  Today I was one of "those idiots drivers"!  You know the ones I am talking about right?  The total doofus' who clearly has no business being on the road.  Yep, that was me!  I'm not proud of it, I'm just admitting that today I was one of those dummies that you see on the road and either shake your head, or gasp and put your hands up to your mouth and think, OMG who gave that dumb a$$ a license? 

At lunch time I was driving from one of my job sites to another.  This is something I do on a weekly basis, in a city I have lived my entire life.  It isn't rocket science.  In fact, some days I think I could do it in my sleep.  My kids will tell you I have done it while applying make-up, or chatting on the phone (hands free of course) or deep in an important conversation with a passenger.  However, today I was just driving.  I wasn't texting, or talking, or even putting on chapstick.  I don't even think I had the radio on. 

The next thing I notice is that all of the other drivers on the road were looking at me funny.  Really funny.  I realized that I must be the idiot driver.  It was then I saw this:

Oh crap!  I'm sure that is what came out of my mouth the instant I saw this enormous sign, that and about 25 cars driving right at me.  Let me tell tell you, when you realize what a doofus  you are, it takes your breath away!  Note to self here:  It is very important that you NOT drive ON to the exit ramp of the expressway during the lunch hour!  I am thankful for two things though; 1) that Stud Boy wasn't with me so he couldn't see first hand that I really do suck at driving sometimes, and 2) that while I may have put my own life in jeopardy and the lives of a few dozen other people on the road, I am, indeed, that much closer to solving all of the problems in the world while clearly preoccupied with my thoughts of family, friends, World Peace, etc.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Dick Clark

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There was an article in the Huffington Post this week that said, "New Year's resolutions are a bit like babies: They're fun to make but extremely difficult to maintain."

My "babies" had no problem staying up until midnight to ring in the New Year! In fact, Stud Boy stayed up all night and is still going strong tonight. The other three watched Dick Clark count down 2010 in Time's Square. I, however, had to schedule a nap yesterday so I was sure to make it until midnight! I suck! 45 sucks! How did I get to be so old? In fact, a quote by Bill Vaughn sums it up nicely, "Youth is when you are allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve. Middle age is when you are forced to!" Geeesh, when did I get to be middle age?

Anyway, the Huffington Post article I was reading went on to give the top 10 resolutions to make AND KEEP in 2011:
1. Lose weight
2. Stay in touch
3. Quit smoking
4. Save money
5. Cut your stress
6. Travel
7. Volunteer
8. Go back to school
9. Cut back on alcohol
10. Get more sleep

I've considered each of these and tweaked them to fit my needs.
1. Gain weight (hopefully just in the "girls" as per the bitch mammogram tech)
2. Stay in touch (with mass texts and FB, screen phone calls better
   and weed out garden of friends on FB to a more manageable level)
3. Do people still smoke? (Who could afford it, first of all? and ewwww)
4. Save money (ummm Stud boy is going to college in 2011, is this do-able?)
5. Cut your stress (easy! don't follow through on #9)
6. Travel (I am a taxi driver! travel is my middle name)
7. Volunteer? Volunteer? (The year of the "just say no" to volunteering is approaching a decade and I am still at PTA's, PTO's, committee meetings, etc. most nights of the week)
8. Go back to school (sending one to College in 2011, I will live vicariously, thanks though)
9. Hahahahaaaa
10. Get more sleep (if I do, will it be easier to stay awake until midnight on New Year's eve?)

I think my New Year's resolution will be to stay up late EVERY YEAR to watch Dick Clark ring in the New Years. If he can live to be 483 years old and stay up every year, I can too. Screw middle age!

T1 and T2

Related Posts with ThumbnailsCould Thing 1 and Thing 2 be mirror-image twins?  This is quite possible!  We know that the boys are monozygotic (twins that are formed from a single fertilized egg).  A lot of people call these kind of twins identical.  However, mirror-image twins happen in about 25% of identical twins.

With mirror-image twins the split of the egg occurs late - more than a week after conception - the twins can develop reverse asymmetric features. This term is not really a type of twin, just a way to describe their physical features. For example, they may be right- and left-handed, have birthmarks on opposite sides of their body, or have hair whorls that swirl in opposite directions. In theory, if the twins faced each other, they would appear to be exact reflections of each other.

Thing 1 and Thing 2 don't exhibit these characteristics.  BUT, the other day I noticed an interesting fact about them.  One can whistle forwards and the other backwards!  Yup!  Is that not the coolest?  One boy whistles a tune blowing air OUT...and the other has to suck IN to make a whistling noise.  If that doesn't constitute mirror-image twins, then I don't know what would!