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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Got Boobs?

It's vacation week and for me that means catching up on doctors appointments.  Yesterday I was able to get in to have my annual mammogram.  While some women dread doing this every year and/or avoid it like the plague, for me, it's no big deal.  I nursed four kids and that could have something to do with the fact that I don't care who sees or handles the girls (not to worry dear husband...I mean this in the maternal and medical sense, only).  In addition, being pressed between cold, hard plates just doesn't hurt me like it may some woman.  I'm not sure if this is because I happen to be somewhat small chested.  Okay, stop laughing sisters of mine, I am extremely small chested, or as one of my sisters described me, pre-pubescent.  Whatever!  I had nice boobies three times in my life and have pictures to prove it.  No need to scroll down though, folks, I didn't put them on the blog.

I was able to read one excellent article in Time magazine before I was called back to have the boobies squished.  The technician started off very friendly and pleasant, chatting about the holidays, and then it took a turn for the worst!  I was disrobing and grabbing the bar, following all her rules of  not breathing and not moving, etc...when she exclaimed, "wow, your boobs are even smaller than they were last year"!  OMG! Oh no she di'int!  Okay..the truth is she commented on the fact that I lost some weight in the last year and obviously some of it came out of the breasts.  Rats!  Why is it when we lose weight we can't decide where we'd like it to come off of?  Anyway, she got her damn pictures and I left there feeling deflated.  Ha!  DEFLATED!
After leaving the clinic I decided the best course of action was retail therapy which included a trip to Victoria's Secret.  Then I surfed the net later in the day and came across a cartoon that made me feel smug and so much better!

But I couldn't just leave well enough alone..more surfing and I also came across this cartoon.  Rats!
And I lied! Here is a great picture of me with FABULOUS breasts! 
So get 'em squished girls..they are all "fabby" even if they are flabby!

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  1. They are so "spectacular" that even Thing 1 had to have goggles on to look at them!! You go girl!

  2. It is no wonder we named what came from those magnificent favors!!!
