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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Not for the faint of heart (this means you, MOM)

There are times when I half expect Child Protective Services to knock on my door.  For instance, when not one, but two of my children swallow coins that get stuck and require hospitalization.  Or when people mistake one of the twins for Rocky Balboa because of his nifty black eye.

However, I want to go on record that the bruises that are currently covering Thing One and Thing Two are not of my doing.  Nor are they from any of their siblings or even self inflicted (for a change).  You can blame it on football!  Fortunately the season ends October 29th.  Until then, I am holding  my breath, hoping that a mandated reporter doesn't make a phone call and I am answering a knock on my door.

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1 comment:

  1. Love the comment at the end of the video..."..that was my kid..."
