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Friday, October 8, 2010

Ask it anything!

It is decidedly so that I will be taking a break from the constant barrage of questions from my children this weekend.

The Magic 8 Ball is officially on duty. They can ask the all knowing black, plastic sphere for a change!

Stud Boy asks,  "Mother Dearest Magic 8 Ball, may I borrow the car?"
The answer: "Don't count on it."

Darling Daughter asks, "Mom Magic 8 Ball, can I have a cell phone?"
The answer: "Reply hazy, try again."

Thing One and Thing Two ask, "Mommy Magic 8 Ball, do we need to take showers?"
The answer: "Signs point to yes."

Oh wait, let me ask the Magic 8 Ball filling in for me this weekend: "Do you cook and clean, too?"
The answer: "Outlook not so good."


  1. I could think of a few things to ask it!!!

  2. Don't you think its time the Magic 8 Ball moved up to the 21st century with its responses? They have had those same ones for years!!! I would like to see the following: "Not", "Are you for real?" etc!!!!!
