A few days later we left the hospital and went shopping at Antique stores and then out to lunch. She was, after all, not my first child and it was, indeed, summer...I was so not staying home. Darling Daughter watched and took note of every single person we came into contact with that day.
It began then, the realization that we were witness to the reincarnation of "Mrs. Neary".
Mrs. Neary was an old neighbor who lived next door to my husband's family when he was growing up. Mrs. Neary made it her business to watch all the neighbors comings and goings. This included my husband as a teenager "coming" in much too late at night through the basement window.
Mrs. Neary was then very happy to tell on him.

Think Gladys Kravitz from Bewitched for those of you old enough to remember that character! Darling Daughter became a Mrs. Neary almost from the moment she was born and has spent the last 12 years perfecting this charcter. She watches every single person within a 3 mile radius and and listens to every conversation, especially the ones that are not meant for children to hear. Like a little sneaky sponge!

We happen to live in the country and the one house that we can see from our home sits empty most of the year as the occupant travels year round. Therefore Darling Daughter A.K.A Mrs. Neary A.K.A Gladys Kravitz only has her immediate family to "get into their business".
She is the master at looking like she is engrossed in play with her Polly Pockets while she listens intently to the adult conversations in the kitchen.
I'm sure she is inconspicuously, although furiously, and accurately
taking notes.
I believe she may have a future with the CIA.
I believe she may have a future with the CIA.
Oh funny....because my son will tell you that my granddaughter, Miss M is the same way...when adults are talking she is not far...usually with a book in hand acting like she is reading but soaking up the entire conversation with the most interesting questions later on about what she has heard....or that she heard!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is so true. I hated it when my mother made me go help the nice old lady neighbor with her broken door, when I knew she told on me the night before,,,,,That is our Molly!