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Sunday, September 12, 2010

New Jewelry

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When I was a kid the Physical Education teachers would pick the two most athletic kids to be Team Captains and then those kids would choose players for their teams.  I was always the last kid to be picked.  This was for a very good reason.  I sucked at sports.  I was also puny and deathly afraid of any ball tossed, thrown, kicked, chucked, batted, or rolled in my direction.

This meant I never, ever got a ribbon, a medal or a trophy.  My children have shelves stacked with trophies for basketball, baseball, football, softball, soccer, and more.  Needless to say I am jealous.  However today I got my first medal!  It is very cool and I am pretty proud of myself.

I ran, okay, well the truth is I ran and I walked and I ran and I walked and then walked some more but then I ran again...but bottom line is I COMPLETED a half marathon today.  For those of you who need numbers that is 13.1 miles.  And I did it in 2 hours 44 minutes and 59 seconds.  Which means I wasn't last!  Yayyy

Running so fast I am just a blurr!

According to Darling Daughter, my medal will go with every outfit!