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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Idiot Mittens

This is Darling Daughter at age 3 wearing "idiot mittens". Doesn't she look happy?

She is happy! And so is her mother because this wonderful invention allows the mittens to be clipped to a string that runs through her coat sleeves.

This awesome gadget meant that if the mittens fell off the child, they were not lost. They merely dangled.

My questions is why are these just for mittens? Why aren't they made for other things you don't want your kids to lose?

Stud Boy recently got his braces off and was fitted with a very expensive retainer. The very first day he got it, I said to him in a stern Mom voice, "Stud Boy, don't you dare leave this expensive retainer on the lunch tray or it will get thrown away in the school cafeteria!"

Guess where the retainer went? Yep, the first day he wore them...tossed with the uneaten green beans and red jello. Ugh!

Then Stud Boy got new glasses to wear when he needed to give his eyes a rest from his contacts. Guess where the glasses went?

No, really guess!

Because frankly we are still looking all over the place for those bad boys and could use some suggestions on where they might be!

Therefore, I think that all retainers should be clipped on.

And glasses too!

Even if it is with just one clip on the idiot Stud Boy.


  1. One for cameras please. She who shall remain nameless left hers on a tour bus in Paris.

  2. I have had my sons lose house keys all over the city of Rochester, county of Monroe and yes....wait for it....the Middle East on a deployment. I used to tell them it was a good thing their dick was attached as they would be in bad shape given their habit of losing things!!!
