Thing Two got $20 dollars from the tooth fairy last Monday night (and no, Mom hadn't been drinking wine before bed!)
However, right now it happens to be wine-thirty while Mom is blogging, so let's take a minute and consider this graph about the cost of raising a child from birth to age 18.
And for those of you who know me well, you know that math just isn't my thing. However, even I can read this chart and know those are some big numbers. OMG! and I have how many kids? It's very clear that the cost of raising a child is increasing (evident by the angry red line going up like the giant hill on one of my workouts.)
So it doesn't really make sense (or in this case: cents) when CNN reports that the Tooth Fairy is pinching penny's in this sagging economy. The survey found that the going rate for a single tooth has seen a 40-cent decline this year: from $3.00 to $2.60!
Because, at our home the tooth fairy is going broke!
It used to be that in our country farm house, in the dead of night (or at least shortly after 8 pm), the tooth fairy left $2.00 per tooth. This seemed like a reasonable reward for a lost tooth, since it was plenty for a child of 10 years of age to be excited about and yet it wasn't enough to break the bank. Then, for some reason that is a little foggy right now, the old Gal with the silvery wings left two bills and a gold Sacajawea coin. This began the reign of the "two bills and one gold coin tradition" that seemed harmless at the time until the evenings when a tooth fell out unexpectedly and the search was on for the frantic Fairy to find a dollar coin in the couch cushions, car ash trays and even Stud Boy's wallet.
Why then, in this economy, is Thing Two holding a crisp $20 from the tooth fairy?
Here is why...
But wait! There's more...
So if you are counting gaping holes...that's six!
So let's do the math, Mommy style:
6 teeth in 5 treasure boxes divided by 45 minutes in a dentists chair, as multiple tears stream down the face of a very brave 10 year old = equals the amount of money this mother would pay to relieve the pain and suffering of her youngest child! While the answer is 10 million dollars or more, the "Tooth Fairy" settled on $3.00 x 6 teeth = $18.00 rounded up to $20.00 + a Wendy's Frosty, a ton of sympathy and great big hugs!
All the graph's, charts, and surveys cannot begin to convey the true cost of a child because it just doesn't even matter. You see, having children makes me the richest person in the world.
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