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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Arm of God

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"Stud Boy", the 17 year old, is currently taking Driver's Education which means he knows far more than I do about driving! I don't stop correctly at the stop signs and I put my blinker on too late or sometimes too early and I should be checking my mirrors way more often.

Basically, he claims, I have no business having a driver's license! Never mind that I have been driving for close to 30 years with a sparkling clean license, drove a school bus for a few years, and currently I am a full time Taxi driver during the summer.

Well, the other day I picked Stud Boy up from the lecture that follows his Student Driving time and he shared with me some unsettling and clearly inaccurate information. He explained to me that the guest speaker told them that when the driver, a.k.a. "Mom", needs to slam on the breaks because the jackass in front of her stops abruptly...she should REFRAIN from quickly forcing her right arm in front of the passenger to ensure that they do not fly into the windshield.

By taking both hands off the steering wheel, she is putting herself, her passenger, and others in danger and that the force of the impending crash equals the mass multiplied by acceleration...blah, blah, blah.

Clearly Stud Boy and the Guest Lecturer are not familiar with the Arm of God that automatically reaches down and instinctively forces mother's arm to risk life and obvious limb to guarantee that their passengers do not move, roughly, three inches that they would normally go forward during an abrupt stop.

Stud Boy should just say, "Thank you, Mother Dearest"!


1 comment:

  1. HELLO.....all those car manufacturers and safety experts could learn a thing or two from us moms!!! Airbags? Try ARMbags!!
