It's official: I am no longer a "Helicopter Parent"!
It could be said (although one might argue that I was just being a really, really, really good mom) that I may have hovered too closely over my children whether they needed me or not. There may have been an occasion, or twelve, where I may have tried to resolve their problems. And I may have, once or twice, tried to stop them from coming to harm by keeping them out of dangerous situations. For instance, the day I tackled the kid opening an ice-cream sandwich within 50 feet of my milk allergic child. Or when I grounded the twins, for three years, when they looked at an airsoft gun while at a friends house to play.
But, the truth is, I have changed my 'copter ways! Really.
And here is the proof:
The Science Social Studies Fair happens every year at the local elementary school. Traditionally I made strongly encouraged my children to participate in this event. In addition, I always did most helped with the project.
However this year my children chose to participate and didn't even need to be coerced! This year the twins decided what they were going to do. Normally I have the final decision input on the project but this year it was entirely up to them...and they chose....
Yes that said the word "weapons". And frankly, that is all the proof you need that I am no longer a "helicopter parent". But wait, there is more...
In order for the boys to make their project they used...
Hold your applause...because there is more....
I did NOT even supervise the use of the wood shop activities or I would have insisted on safety glasses!
Okay, so maybe I went from helicopter parent to slacker mom who will have child protective services at the door any minute...but my point is this: the boys got to make siege weapons and work with power tools and then fling shit that can blind you stuff across the yard and even in the school cafeteria.