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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Bikes Schmikes

Related Posts with ThumbnailsThe rest of the world might be eking out the last few days of summer like weather, but along with the stores, my son has moved right past summer, past Halloween and even Thanksgiving too.

His thoughts are on Christmas and here is his list (so far):

Doesn't every 10 year old boy want one of these instead of say, legos?

Or one of these, instead of maybe a bike?
And while other 5th graders may want a playstation game or xbox, mine wants one of these...
And seriously, I may put a "well-trained Monkey" on my list too, I assume it does dishes!

I think that you will find this style will replace the "flat-hat" popular style now that just looks "gangsta" to me anyway.  I will let Santa know this is a big thumbs up.
And this is just an obsession of my 10 year old.  He is looking to be the next yo-yo champion of the world and has perfected a number of tricks far beyond "walking the dog".  I just wish he would walk the dog.
I don't think I need to worry that these gift ideas will be flying off the Toys R Us shelves so I will enjoy some of fall before I get started on my shopping.