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Monday, February 28, 2011

It's really just a door!

I took this picture over the weekend because I am drawn to pretty doors.  Some look so inviting!   I thought this one was particularly interesting with the arch window above, stone work, berry wreath, and snow-covered steps. 

After I uploaded all of my photos to the computer, Darling Daughter was standing over my shoulder looking at them and said, "Whose door is that, Mom?".  I said, "I don't know, why?"  She asked me why I would take a picture of some random door.  I explained that I thought it was interesting looking and would make a nice photo.  This didn't satisfy her, and again she said, "so you don't know who lives there?"  I replied, "No, honey, I do not know who lives behind this door".  

 She then gave me a look like I was kooky and muttered under her breath, "stalker!" 

Darling Daughter doesn't know that driving around and taking pictures of other people's doors is not how stalking is done anymore. 

My 12 year old is not on Facebook yet.
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Thursday, February 24, 2011


Tuesday was National Margarita Day,
not that we ever need an excuse for a party! 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Huh? Say what? Pardon me?

Related Posts with ThumbnailsStud Boy is fluent in more then one language.  In fact, you could say he is trilingual, which means he is able to speak THREE languages fluently.  His first language is English and the one we spoke at home when he was growing up.  However, beginning in sixth grade he began taking Spanish as a second language.  After taking it for 6 years in school, Stud Boy became very fluent in this language as well.  He got so good at using it that when he volunteered at the local hospital, he would frequently translate Spanish to English or English to Spanish for the patients.  

Recently, Stud Boy has become an expert in a third language.  It's one I've just been introduced to and I am having a very difficult time understanding it.

This language is called MUMBLISH. 

It seems to be the primary language of the younger males in my house, and is perfected by the time they become teenagers.  Darling Daughter doesn't speak it, but she can interpret it quite well.  Hubby and I struggle to understand it. When we first started hearing it, it seemed like we were going deaf in our old age.  Then we realized it wasn't our hearing that was the problem, it's this foreign language called Mumblish!  It sounds like the user has marbles in their mouth, while speaking rapidly in hushed tones.  All this, while the listener has cotton stuffed deep into their ear canals.  Hubby and I look at each other perplexed, and say "Wait, wait! Wah, wah, what?"   Interesting, and loads of fun. Not!

Stud Boy left today for a trip with a friend to Washington D.C. to see his other buddy (yes, Alex, this is where you get a mention in the blog, again).  While trying to prepare for this trip, I needed to converse with my son on some important matters.  This was the dialog:

Me:  Do you have your I.D. to get through security at the airport?
Stud Boy:  Mfyys shudlffph s'in the bttffflm of the phssstph.

Me: What time is your ride coming?
Stud Boy:  Jrrddpft wdddl be gsshhhh at ttnnnnlsthrtty!

Me:  Will you text me so I know you arrived safely?
Stud Boy: szpfffhhrrrr 
(Darling Daughter says this is "SURE" - it better be!)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ice Fishing?

Related Posts with ThumbnailsI grew up fishing on the St. Lawrence river. Many lazy summer afternoons standing at the end of the dock or sitting out in the little motor boat, with my brother John, in the mouth of the bay.  We would grab a pole and a container of night crawlers, a rag and a bucket for the fish we caught.  That's all we ever needed.  If we were lucky, after dinner, Dad would take us out in the big boat and fish on the river over by Carleton Island.  I loved to fish.  I loved the feel of the line as the fish nibbled at the bait and the tell-tale tug when you knew you caught a Jack Perch and then the excitement as you reeled in the catch.

So when my brother John texted me Sunday morning to say he was ice-fishing nearby, we gathered up the twins and went to go see him. I envisioned John, bundled up and bracing the bitter wind and snow, sitting on a bucket with a pole over a hole in the ice, patiently waiting to feel that tug on his line and catch a fish. 

Something like this:

I was wrong!  So very wrong!

The problem here isn't all the "stuff". I'm okay with all the stuff needed for this sport, I think.  But, um, where's the hole?

Here's the doo-hicky motorized thing-a-ma jig to dig the hole.  John calls it an "auger".  I know that my husband thought it was nifty cause it was big and made noise and looked manly. But, I wondered how he carried this stuff all the way out to the middle of the pond.

We wandered around on the ice and found one!  John had made a jigging pole out of a broom handle -read:  fishing pole that doesn't require you to sit there and hold it.  He had another one of these and five tip-ups. So in all, 7 holes, none of which he sat on a bucket near and actually fished!  Instead he would walk around or sit in the hut or cook or chat with his buddies until one of the little flags would raise and then he would scoot on over to the hole to see what he caught. 

Needless to say, Thing One and Thing Two were very impressed.

John claimed we brought him luck because while we were standing around, a flag was sprung and he hustled on over to the hole.

Notice here you can see why John wears knee protection (if you were thinking he was installing a floor,  you and I were both wrong.  I guess they keep his knees dry).

Now pay attention because this next part of the whole fishing thing just blew me away:  John takes this enormous and beautiful Pike out of the itty bitty hole, hoists it in the air, a few pictures are taken and then he slips it back into the hole.  It took my breath away!  I wanted to keep it, frame it...or you know..stuff it...or eat it..or something...but as quick as it was brought out of the frigid cold water it went back in to swim again.  Pretty cool!

I am guessing Thing One and Thing Two will be ice fishing with great regularity! And since they don't require licenses and together can bring 14 more holes in the ice, the "Bucket Brigade" will welcome them back anytime.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Purple Hair, I Don't Care

I was home with a sick kid and saw Michelle Obama on the Today Show this morning.  Matt Lauer, my yummy morning TV personality, asked the First Lady about the President's hair. Does her husband dye it or not? Honestly, who cares? Do you? I certainly don't. The bottom line is that Barry is HOT! In fact, he has become even hotter with gray hair. In my highly educated opinion, men look more distinguished with gray hair.

On the other hand, women with gray hair, just look old. Now before some of you start getting all porky with me, I don't mean you!! You look awesome with gray hair! But, for the majority of us, we just look old before our time and the hair has lost that youthful shine Darling Daughter flaunts, along with her pouty lips.

So a couple of years ago I decided to deal with the gray hair. Admittedly, I don't have a lot of gray hair. In fact family and friends roll their eyes at me when I point out the ones I do have. Not Stud Boy, of course, he is quick to point each and everyone of them out. Rotten kid! When does he leave for college?

I have tried Clairol's Natural Instincts hair color #26 Hot Cocoa which claims to "cover gray naturally". And there have been a few occasions when I let Ashley, my very cutie patootie hair dresser, put some highlights in for me.  Unfortunately, this has resulted in a few incidents where things have gone horribly wrong and my hair has come out orange.

I know it's hard to get past the striking resemblance Hubby and I have to Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey from Dirty Dancing, but notice the very odd color of my hair.   
So as much as I adore Ashley from Super Cuts, it was time to make a change and trust the hair to someone new.  With the advise of my Thursday Therapy friend I braved a new salon with a new hairdresser, Jennifer.  Is it just me or do all hair dressers have adorable girly names?  Anyway, Jennifer did an awesome job with cutting my hair.

Friday I am going to trust this Jennifer girl to color it for me.  I am hopeful.  If it turns out to be an Epic Fail, my plan is to bring this book to school with me next week and read it to the kids.

That or wear a lot of baseball caps like I did last summer.  Related Posts with Thumbnails

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Super Bowl Schmuper Bowl

I enjoy football!  In fact, I have been know to brave the bitter cold fall evenings in Western, NY to watch some amazing Pop Warner football.  I even follow a few NFL teams, including the NY Giants and the Philadelphia Eagles.  Note that while I follow these teams, I am not a fan of either.  As a mother of twins who each have favorites, it is my job to remain neutral.  And NEUTRAL is how I feel about the Super Bowl tomorrow.  Ho hum, who is playing again? Just kidding, I do know who is playing, but I really could care less who wins.  Although just to annoy Hubby I will be rooting for the Steeler's since Hubby Dear recently became a Green Bay fan (look for video of him with his new Cheese-head on Youtube after the game).

What I really enjoy about the Super Bowl is the commercials!  However, this year, I would very much like to fast forward through the game and the commercials to what is coming after the Super Bowl.....tatatattatatatatataaaaaa (drum roll)


OMG! OMG! OMG!  The new season of Glee is starting and it will begin on Sunday, right after the Super Bowl.  I will be one of the 90 million viewers glued to my screen to crush on Will Scheuster and sing along with the cast!  And just because I want you too to share in the love, I have recently added a playlist to the right of my blog.  You are welcome!
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